Monday, May 9, 2011

A Gift

I am truly the most blessed woman in the world! My husband spoiled me this past weekend and made me feel like a princess (seriously, over the top spoiled me!)... I love having all these boys taking care of me.

I have learned a few things about being a mom the past 5 1/2 (almost 6, yikes!!!) years. I've learned that it is nothing like I thought it would be, it's more rewarding and harder than I imagined. I've learned that I can't do it alone. Trey's support and love allows me to be the best mom I can be. God's grace abounds when it comes to parenting and I'm thankful He starts everyday with new promises and hope. However, what I've learned the most about has to be...

the gift of the ordinary day. I don't know how many of you have seen the video on y0utube, but it is very touching and puts in to words what I have been learning the last few years. Without a doubt I would say God used my sweet nephew Bayler to teach me to appreciate the gift of DAILY life with my children more than any song or book ever could. So right now, I am just thankful that I get to be the mom to these 3 amazing boys EVERY, ORDINARY, day. I want to remember how everyday...

...Jacob wakes with a smile and peaks through the crib to see who is coming to rescue him.
...Jon wants to cuddle on the couch with his night-nights and watch a show before he starts his day.
...David has to know what our schedule is and what time everything is happening.
...when I roll over and see my handsome husband lying beside me, my heart still skips a beat.
...Jacob squeals with delight when we bounce down the stairs or he sees his brothers.
...David makes the cutest "baby voice" when he talks to Jacob.
...Jon hugs so tight and calls me sweet mudder.
...Jacob has the sweetest little baby dimples on his hands and I love the smell of his baby breath.
...Jon loves for me to rub his back when he's going to sleep.
...David follows his dad around like a little shadow and adores him to pieces. life is so full and my cup runs over.