*Length: 27" (97%)
*Weight: 16.8 (75%)
*Head: 44 (90%)
Dr. Deitchman said eveything was great! He gave me some stuff for his cradle cap (still there!) and made some suggestions concerning his ezcema. David has it as well, but he didn't have it this young or as much. I can continue to lather him up with lotion or try limiting my dairy. However, I have a hard enough time eating enough calories to keep up my milk supply, so for now I am continuing with the lotion. Here are some other fun facts about Jon at 4 months...
*diaper size: 3 (or medium in cloth)
*sleeping through the night: NOPE!
*Loves to talk to: David! and his toys
*Likes to read: with David
*Favorite toy: exersaucer and bumbo seat
*Favorite food: he really enjoys his cereal and obviously nursing
*He is so happy and rarely cries, unless he wants to tell you something, what a joy!
And just for fun, here is David at 4 months
Dani, we have battled eczema from early on and I have yet to find anything that works 100%. I have tried everything the dr. recommended and then found Cerave cream (behind the counter in the pharmacy, no prescription needed) and it seems to work better than anything we've tried. Still not great, but better. Also, I have bought that California Kids sunscreen for sensitive skin to try because sunscreen is an enemy for Claudia as well. Will let you know how it works. I am always looking for new things to try with this at it bothers me we cannot seem to control it better. Thankfully she does not scratch and never complains about it!
Also, for cradle cap, she occasionally still gets it and the dr. recommended Head and Shoulders shampoo. The only thing that seems to completely clear it. Granted we didn't use this when she was 4 months, but just a thought if he continues to have trouble with it later on.
Hope it clears quickly!
I second the Cerave Wash and Cream- it has cured CIV's eczema. And we did use Selsum (?sp) Blue on both our kids (as infants) to treat cradle cap and it cured it. Our pediatrician told us to use it once a week to control it. We no longer have to use it, but did for a while in the beginning. Hope this helps. Your boys are precious!
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