I really can't believe how last Jonathan is growing! I guess it seems like it happens so much faster because he is trying so hard to keep up with "Day-Day" as David calls himself :). Seriously, my boys LOVE each other! They tackle, hug, throw, and giggle together daily. Now that we are starting to have to "discipline" Jon a little (you know, don't touch the T.V. or climb on dangerous things...) David is so protective. Jonathan could care less that we are telling him no, but David will start crying and then Jon starts crying once David is sad! It is too funny. Here are some more fun things to note about our almost 1 year old:
Favorite game: tackling David
Favorite books: Animals on the Farm, Tractors, Goodnight Moon
Favorite food: crackers and his bottle
Favorite toy: anything David is playing with and a ball
Blanket? YES! He sleeps with a special yellow blanket all the time
Paci? Of course!
Cuddle bug? YES! And I LOVE it!
Smile often? yes, and oh it is infectious!
Teeth? 4 (2 bottom, 2 "fangs" on top) and seems to be cutting the top middle
Walking? SO close to taking off...
Sleeping through the night? Yes!
School? He is doing well at FPC. He loves his teachers and they seem to feel the same way :).
*I never posted his 10 month stats so here they are...
Weight: 22 lbs.
Height: 30 inches
Head: 18 3/4 inches
Jonathan is such a happy, sweet, huggable baby! He is dramatic (will lay on the floor with his face down flat and start to cry if he is made/sad) and a risk taker. Jon plays shy if you speak to him, but it is just a flirting game :). He turns his head sideways and smiles with his dimples showing... it melts my heart everytime. We are so in love with him and are thankful for the joy he brings to our lives!